
Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Creation

Today we will be discussing the very first chapter of Genesis in the Old Testament.

The first pages of the bible establish God as the ultimate Creator. Before the Creator there was nothing but formless emptiness. Before the Creator there was nothing but darkness. But then God created the heavens and earth. His spirit moved over this expanse as He prepared the creation of all that we know today.

On the first day God created light and separated darkness from light, establishing night and day. Next came the sky, and the land and the seas, and the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day He created every living creature of the seas and skies and gave them the ability to multiply. On the sixth day He created the animals.

But His favorite creation of all, the one that would give Him the most joy but also disappoint Him the most in times to come, was the creation of man. For on the sixth day God also created Adam and Eve. He molded Adam from clay and blew breath into him. He created Adam in His own image, from His own essence. He gave them everything – the whole earth – to rule over, care for, and cultivate.

Man was the ultimate creation for God – the culmination of all of His efforts. Man, too, has the ability to create. We take the gifts that God has given us and turn them toward our own creations.

On the seventh day God rested. We should also take a day of rest, a day to share with our fellow believers of the Lord Our Savior Jesus Christ, and look back upon the results of our work and say “It is very good.”

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